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Discussion 4_major Helping Approaches

Discussion 4_major Helping Approaches

Q Be sure to include supportive material from the textbook and the video in your posts. Watch the videos included in the “Three Approaches to Psychotherapy” page in the Content area, which feature Carl Rogers, Fritz Perls, and Albert Ellis, demonstrating their theoretical models with the client, Gloria. After watching the videos, discuss the ways their interactions with the client do or do not reflect the theory they are presenting. What did you observe? Relate your observations to this week’s reading assignment.

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Humans are emotionally vulnerable creatures and all the turmoil, anxiety, and mechanism at work within the mind is imperatively emotionally influenced. During counseling, it thus, becomes importance to gauge this emotional content and the take an approach to derive the path of empathy that the counselor will take, in order to understand truly what really is wrong, and use the capability to feel and empathize by the client to actually resolve what is at stake, rather than completely relying on therapy. This is what the three psychologists try to explain as Rogers’s Person-centered therapy focuses on the client’s capacity of understanding of the self over the analysis produced by other’s through interpretation. Ellis proposed